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Powerful Spells Cast On Your Behalf

Spell casting is the art of directing earth energies, those natural but invisible forces which surround all living things and connects all things.
Please contact me with one or more, very specific requests and I will create a spell specific to your circumstance and call on the nature spirits and others to assist you to achieve your goal.
Ask to have a spell cast for anything i.e.:
* To find your soul mate/true love
* To bring money to you
* To help restore a loved ones health
and on and on... Only you know what your hearts desire or need is.
Each request is $9.99, payable through paypay @ urbandragonflies@icloudcomPlease send your question to me via the contact page along with your name, any name of another person the spell might be about and the email where I can acknowledge your request and advise you when the spell has been cast. 

Magic is not guaranteed, no more than a prayer to God can be. If a magic spell or Tarot reading does not produce the results you hoped for in the time frame you hoped, it is either that the spell is working more slowly than hoped or, despite all your hard work and best efforts along with the caster's and requestor's strongest belief, then it is the supreme powers may have different plans for you. They will not give you anything that will harm you or not be in your best interest. After all the Witch's rede states "and ye harm none." That being said I firmly have seen, experienced and believe that spells are very powerful and increase your chances of whatever your hearts desire is becoming a reality or to see that it should not be. Both are answers, just not always the result you wanted. *Legal Disclaimer - everything on this site is for entertainment only. There are no guarantees.  Non refundable.

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