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Why should I Smudge/Bless my space? 


Everything has an energy field, including us. Wherever we go we leave, not only our DNA but, a part of our energy. So when you are renting or purchasing a home or business space an energy field, of all the previous people and events that took place there, is left behind. The thoughts, feelings, actions that have ever taken place are left behind. The same way you may want to re-paint all the walls in a new home or put in new flooring to remove the old is the same way smudging clears those influences left behind. It enables you to create your energy in the home or workplace, even your car. It is important to wipe the slate clean so your space will start out with only positive energy and influences, which can affect your life in a positive way. We feed off of the energy around us; therefore, ensuring you are surrounded by positive influences we are helping ourselves to feed off of only positive energy.


It is always a good practice to start out your life in any space by clearing unwanted, negative influences. Then, you need to periodically cleanse the home whenever you feel the need or something negative occurs which may compromise your positive influences. Staying positive in life is crucial, Smudging is a tool allowing you to ensure you are living in a positive environment. Smudging a home at least once yearly is optimal or whenever you feel any negatives entering your space.


You will feel and know when it is time, but being proactive is always best ...  acting prior to any negative influences gaining access will help you to live a happy, carefree and positive lifestyle.


Blessed Be!



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